April 19, 2008

Blueberry Crisp (a little riff off apple crisp)

Blueberry crisp, hot from the oven.

Ya, so I had some leftover crisp topping from the apple crisp I made bookclub night, and a bag of frozen wild blueberries in the freezer. So I thawed the blueberries a bit, then treated the whole thing pretty much exactly as I did the apple crisp. I warmed the berries a bit in some butter and cinnamon. I did add two or three TBLS of arrowroot powder to the berries toward the end of that warming, as they'd made a lot of juice and I didn't want the final dish to be too runny. How was it? Perfect. I served it warm, in bowls of cool, slightly thickened (through a breif hand whipping) organic cream. My God. I don't think it gets more blissful than this.

Warm blueberry crisp sitting in a bowl of slightly whipped cream.

Cream is so pretty, isn't it? Even all alone. Like snow with fresh butter.

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